CVC Media Group would like to record the memory of one of its main mentors and consultants, Gordon Croton – previously head at BBC TV Training Centre at Elstree, UK, who passed away recently. Gordon’s first hand advice and involvement were instrumental in the professional set up of CVC Ltd., thanks to his many visits to Gozo. In the early nineties, he enrolled our managing director Alvin in various training courses at BBC TV Training in Elstree, UK – notably the single camera production course, and the script to screen course. He personally supervised the day to day training that was accorded to Alvin in the presence of BBC internal staff. Gordon was also involved in various corporate productions and his scripts and voice overs in evergreen television documentaries are still appreciated by many. For years, together with his adorable wife Pat, Gordon was CVC’s godfather! Family and staff would like to forward heartfelt condolences to his sons Piers, Guy and Adam and their families. His teaching as well as the memories of beautiful moments spent in each other`s company will last forever.