During the last days of October, CVC media was present in the town of Cisternino to produce coverages on the 4th international convention of the borghi piu’ belli del mediterraneo. Malta is represented by Birgu, the oldest maritime town on the island. Our intervention came about on an invitation by the Birgu mayor John Boxall. Apart from the usual news coverages, the features, hosted by Mario Coleiro, will be screened in CVC media’s award winning series Malta u lil hinn minnha.
Ira Losco music video shot on 4K Raw
CVC Media is proud to have been selected by PBS Ltd to form part of the technical assist team that has produced Ira Losco`s Walk on Water video production. The music video was filmed with our 4K raw cinematic camera and prime lenses. Aerial filming was also done by CVC.
The end product can be viewed here:
A big thanks to PBS / Ira Losco and all the personnel involved.
CVC Media upgrades to 16bit RAW 4K
After months of meticulous preparation which included visits to the UK, CVC media has invested heavily in the acquisition of state of the art 4K raw format. Together with 4K 16bit raw compatible post production and colour grading equipment, our company has invested in a top 4K camera plus ancillary equipment and prime lenses. This is presently the top model available in Malta. This latest investment places CVC Media on a new platform which allows it to produce and deliver top end commercials and corporates for the local and international markets. This new top end investment now puts us in a position where we can involve ourselves successfully in the film industry, with which Gozo and Malta are being presently associated.
Tribute to Gordon Croton
CVC Media Group would like to record the memory of one of its main mentors and consultants, Gordon Croton – previously head at BBC TV Training Centre at Elstree, UK, who passed away recently. Gordon’s first hand advice and involvement were instrumental in the professional set up of CVC Ltd., thanks to his many visits to Gozo. In the early nineties, he enrolled our managing director Alvin in various training courses at BBC TV Training in Elstree, UK – notably the single camera production course, and the script to screen course. He personally supervised the day to day training that was accorded to Alvin in the presence of BBC internal staff. Gordon was also involved in various corporate productions and his scripts and voice overs in evergreen television documentaries are still appreciated by many. For years, together with his adorable wife Pat, Gordon was CVC’s godfather! Family and staff would like to forward heartfelt condolences to his sons Piers, Guy and Adam and their families. His teaching as well as the memories of beautiful moments spent in each other`s company will last forever.
My Gozo & EXPO Milan
CVC Media`s recent two minute video production entitled My Gozo is presently being screened in the Malta pavilion at the Milano Expo 2015. It includes a collage of shots which portray the many facets of the island of Gozo, which notwithstanding its small geographical dimensions, offers contrast and variety in its landscape and way of living.
Promoting the Island’s Identity
CVC Media is presently producing a series of high end TV publicity clips that will be promoting the island`s identity. The initiative comes from the Gozo Tourism Association which applied and received EU funding to promote the island. This publicity campaign, being screened on prime time on all leading Maltese TV networks, targets the internal tourism sector. It will be followed by an identical campaign that promotes Gozo on the international market.
And we at CVC Media, the leader in promoting the island`s sights and sounds, are proud to state: Gozo…any season…every reason!
Guatemala Documentary
CVC media has just returned from an exhaustive filming assignment in Guatemala, one of the most beautiful countries in Central America. The assignment was assisted logistically by Inguat – the Guatemala tourism authority. Several short features that portray this country`s nature, history and way of living will feature between March and June 2015 in CVC`s award winning programme Malta u lil hinn minnha on TVM. Programme Producers, Alvin and George Scicluna together with camera assitant Christopher Pisani also visited several Maltese lay and religious missionraies serving in Guatemala, notably Fr Joe Camilleri and Fr Anton Grech, who have created several long term projects in their parishes. Fr Anton Grech was also responsible for coordinating the visit and accompanied the team throughout the stay. Another member of the filming troupe was Professor Carmel Agius who has visited Guatemala several times to help set up and run two fishfarms in the regions where Fr Anton works. Special thanks go to gyuide Selmy Licardi and driver Estuardo de Paz for making this third visit another positive one.
Read more on http://www.tvm.com.mt/news/zewg-fish-farms-fost-progetti-mill-maltin-fil-gwatemala/
Yet another prestigious recognition for CVC Media!
Alvin Scicluna, founder and managing director of CVC Media has recently been awarded the Gozo Tourism Association`s 2014 Gozo Tourism Entrepreneurship Award in recognition to the outstanding accomplishments in promoting the various facets of Gozo`s identity in CVC`s weekly award winning series Ghawdex Illum on national television. The award was presented by Gozo minister Dr Anton Refalo during a special awards evening held at the Grand Hotel Ghajnsielem also attended by HE marie Louise Coleiro – president of Malta, and Dr Edward Zammit Lewis, minister for tourism. The Gozo Tourism Association believes that the non stop promotion initiative of Gozo taken by Alvin Scicluna had, and still has a significant impact on the toursim sector on Gozo.
Agreement with PBS Ltd – the national broadcaster
As from the autumn schedule, Gozo is expected to feature more prominently on TVM following an agreement between PBS Ltd and the Ministry for Gozo which has seen the installation of a fixed IP link as well as the purchase of a digital mobile TV link.
Apart from the regular TV and radio programmes and features produced by CVC Media for the national broadcaster, our studio facilities will be utilised in other Malta studio based live programmes as the facilities and newly installed equipment make it possible for guests from Gozo to participate live whenever the need arises.
CVC and Bold Content
During the first three weeks of August 2014, CVC media was chosen by Bold Content, a London-based production company, to assist in the production of two short form documentaries filmed in Gozo highlighting the Alter Aqua project on behalf of The Coca Cola Foundation. CVC media assisted in identifying the ideal contributors, conducted pre interviews, and looked after logistical arrangements, equipment, locations, local acting, and provided the services of a production manager. We look forward to share with you the end result.